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  • Introduction of CI

    PRIME means best, most important, global means global, and NETWORK means connected groups or systems.
    PRIME GLOBAL NETWORK, a combination of these three, refers to a network that plays a major and important role worldwide.

  • CI Style

    Using blue and clean, modern white colors that symbolize trust and stability, it expresses the image of an enterprising company that extends to the wide world.


Logo Type


  • #0054a6

    CMYKC93  M71  Y8  K0

    RGBR0  G84  B166

  • #00b9f2

    CMYKC70  M10  Y4  K0

    RGBR0  G185  B242

  • #ffffff

    CMYKC0  M0  Y0  K0

    RGBR255  G255  B255

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